You can make a difference in veterans lives today. Help us out by donating or by sponsoring a trip! Even the smallest donation of time or resources can have a huge impact on a veteran's life.


The truly amazing thing is every donation goes directly to the veterans. We are a 100% volunteer organization. When people donate to other organizations it is shocking because up to 70% of all donations given will go to the organizations payroll leaving 30% to go to the veterans.  Every month we are needing to raise at least 500.00 to continue are trips and outings. With that amount we are able to take 10 to 12 veterans every month on trips where their lives are changed! Every 50.00 adds one more veteran to our trips. It is amazing to think what just 50.00 can do! We are looking for monthly donors to help us continue these trips. Please join us in giving back to those who gave so much.


"You make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give." -Winston Churchill



Your donations allow us to connect with wounded veterans all across Oklahoma. If you would like to make a recurring donation please go to the donate link on the home page! Any amount wether it be 10 or 1,000 dollars will help more than you can possibly imagine! 100% of your donations go toward helping veterans and their families and any amount will help! If you would like to make a monthly donation to our cause please let us know!

If you would like to mail a check instead of donating on line you can mail your donation to:

6310 S 110th E ave

Tulsa, Ok 74133

Please put in the memo if you are donating to any of our projects so we can make sure it goes specifically to that project.

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